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What to Do After a Fender Bender

Fender benders can happen at the most inconvenient times. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were more than 7 million reported car crashes in 2016. Out of these, about 70% result in property damage. Although a fender bender is so common, most drivers never know what to do in such situations. What you say or do could put a dent on your insurance claim. Here is a step by step guide on what to do after a fender bender.

What To Do After A Fender Bender

1.     Check For Injuries & When You Should Call First Responders

The hardest part is getting over the initial shock. This can be especially challenging if it's your first fender bender. Once you find your bearings, the first order of business is to find out if everyone is alright. If you have passengers, find out if anybody got injured. Only then can you worry about the occupants of the other car. If someone is injured, be sure to call 911 right away to have a first responder dispatched to your location as soon as possible.

For most fender benders, requesting for police involvement won’t be necessary unless someone is injured, or the vehicle(s) cannot be moved out of the way of traffic. When dealing with a minor accident, just be sure you feel safe in your situation. If the other driver is being aggressive or threatening, then be sure to call local law enforcement to smooth the situation over and ensure your safety.

2.     Protect Your Car from Further Damage

Unless the car is inoperable, you should pull over to the side of the road or move to a safer place out of traffic’s way. This is a precaution to protect your vehicle from further damage. It also allows other road users to go on with their day. Once you have moved your vehicle, turn it off in case there is internal damage that you cannot see such as a broken or cracked radiator. The last thing you want is to do further damage to your vehicle by letting it run unknowingly with damage under the hood that can cause extensive motor damage.

If the car can't move, you will have no choice but to leave it where the accident occurred. However, make sure that you turn on hazard lights. You can even set up flares to warn other motorists. It can be handy, especially if a fender bender happens at night.

3.     Document the Fender Bender

With safety concerns out of the way, you can now turn your attention to the damage. It doesn't matter if you think the fender bender was or wasn’t your fault, keep talking to the other driver a minimum. Never admit fault and only ask if the other person is ok. Don’t say what you were doing, where you were going, or any other indicators. You will want to leave it up to the insurance company to decide who is at fault for the accident.

Take photos of the scene of the fender bender and the damage to the cars involved. The best rule of thumb is to take pictures of everything. The street or area that the accident occurred, stop signs or stop lights, where you were at when the accident happened, and photos of the other driver in their current condition.

Make sure you capture all other relevant information from the other driver. We highly suggest you take photos of these items as well, so nothing gets lost in translation. These include:

  • Personal details like name, address and phone number

  • Driver’s license details and date of expiry

  • Insurance company contact information

  • Vehicle details, including color, make, model, and license plate number

  • The contact information of witnesses at the scene

  • Police officer's name, badge number, and the accident report number

  • A copy of the accident report as well

Document Your Fender Bender

4.     Call Your Insurance Agent & Report the Fender Bender

You must inform your insurance company about the fender bender as soon as possible. Use the claim telephone number on the back of your insurance card to start the claim process. The claims department will be able to pull all of your information from your name. Involving your insurance company helps them prepare in case the other parties sue.

After reporting, you still must file an official claim by filling out the necessary paperwork. The insurance company will then launch their investigation and assess damages. They will request that you go to an auto body shop for an estimate or they will send an adjuster who will then determine how much the repair should cost.

5.     Contact a Trustworthy Auto Body Repair Shop in Concord

Filing a claim is only the beginning of the process. If you want to get your car repaired, you will have to find a trustworthy auto body repair shop in Concord. It is common for insurance companies to try to steer you towards a particular shop.  They may refer to as “Their Shop of Choice”, provide a list of premium body shops or trusted body shops, and/or their “in-network” shops. They may also say if you go to an out of network shop that they won’t warranty the repairs. 

Insurance companies often suggest their own shops because they have standing contracts with such shops. This allows the insurance company, the one paying for your fender bender repairs, to dictate how the repairs are done. Most have lines in the contract stating that the shop is required to locate the cheapest possible repair parts for your vehicle, all have lines that state the labor rates are to be reduced by as much as 40%. Some have lines that say they decide how long the repair should take and if the shop takes longer to do the repair then they are responsible for the rental car, even though the insurance company is required to pay for the rental as long as the vehicle is in the shop, or it meets the policy holders limits.

Contact A Local Auto Body Repair Shop

However, your insurance company cannot force you to go to a specific auto body shop. California Insurance Code leaves that decision to you. You can choose where your vehicle goes. It’s in your best interest to have the vehicle inspected by your shop of choice. You do not want the person that owes you money telling you how much it is going to be to fix your vehicle. Never trust your insurance company or anyone else’s. To protect yourself and your car, ensure the auto repair shop is certified by the Better Business Bureau, which we are happy to say we are.

6.     Receive a Claim Number & Have Your Fender Bender Repaired

The next step is getting the claim number from the insurance company and picking an auto body shop. If you choose us, we handle the insurance company and rental car for you. When we are done with the repairs you can even leave the rental car with us and not have to worry about returning it. When you give us the claim number, we will schedule your vehicle in for the repairs, or take your vehicle in right away. We contact the insurance company and let them know the vehicle is here. We then blueprint the vehicle and come up with a repair plan and an estimate to bring the vehicle back to pre-loss condition. That is submitted to the insurance company and we make them pay for repairs based on OEM/Factory information and processes.

Here at Will's Auto Body, we have a lot of experience in working directly with insurance companies. We boast of both the Auto Body Association and the National Institute of Automotive Service Excellence certification, making it the safest place to repair your car in Concord and surrounding areas after a fender bender.  

7.     Check on Your Fender Bender Repair Progress

While your car is at the shop, you will most likely be using a rental to get around. If your car suffers engine damage, the first step is to disassemble it and find any hidden damage. The estimate might not have covered them, but they may be necessary. Therefore, it is always essential to be kept in the loop.

At Will's Auto Body, you see the status of your repair in real-time. This is made possible by our online car repair status checker. Any questions you may have during the process will be answered via text or email. You will also be able to see uploaded photos of the repair. Tracking your car repair after a fender bender has never been easier.

8.     Pick up Your Repaired Vehicle

Once the repairs are finished, it is time to reunite you with your car. You will be promptly informed when the time comes. Thanks to repair status tracking, you will know what to expect. When it’s time to pick up your vehicle, you will be responsible for paying the deductible and your insurance will cover the rest. You can choose to collect the car from our shop or have it delivered at your doorstep. Given the ongoing pandemic, we recommend the latter. We take the effects of COVID-19 seriously.

We Will Delivery Your Repaired Vehicle After A Fender Bender

As a result, Will's Auto Body will sanitize your car before delivering it to you. You don't need to expose yourself physically. You can get estimates, sign for the repairs, and monitor progress from the comfort of your home. As an extra precaution, we deliver the car wearing protective gear to keep you and your family safe from start to finish.

A fender bender can ruin your day and possibly disrupt your life. Always drive carefully to avoid accidents. Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do about other drivers. Hopefully, this information makes you better prepared should you find yourself in a fender bender.